Have you ever wondered how much energy you could be wasting on a day to day basis? Or maybe why your energy bills are much higher than the average energy usage? Energy Monitoring could be your next business investment.
What is Energy Monitoring?
Energy monitoring is one informative way to help a business understand how they are using energy. Monitoring is extremely helpful in supporting businesses to interpret the data provided, through software and hardware. Energy can be monitored 24 hours a day to show exactly where energy is being used and saving potential.
Installing energy monitoring is not just to demonstrate where you are using energy. It is also to see how you are wasting energy. At KAST, we take the time to explain the monitoring process with you and explain the ins and outs. We help you to work out where you can save on your energy and how to monitor your usage. This is possible through the continuous collection of data at your site that creates an overall outlook of your energy consumption.
What are the benefits?
There is potential to save up to 60% on your energy system with quick and easy information. Installing these systems create a way to engage staff and other visitors to develop an understanding of green energy and potential investment. The real time dashboards and presentation of multi-utility information are two factors that help to monitor energy use. Not only does this service monitor electricity but can also monitor gas and water usage too.
How can you make Energy Monitoring Easy?
The answer to this, is simply give the hard work to us. This system is easily manageable with the right amount of time invested. However, if keeping an eye on your energy consumption and juggling everyday tasks is too much hassle. KAST are able to monitor energy consumption for you and ensure everything runs smoothly. This is so you are able to continue working whilst we help you save.
For more information on Energy Monitoring and the installation process call : 0161 427 9047